Egg Timers for ADHD?

Use the “Hard Boiling” method to combat procrastination.

Need to crack that hard head of yours to get some work done, despite the overwhelming procrastination? Here’s a great method to stop procrastinating.

I call it the “Hard Boiling” method. I call it that because it involves using an egg timer. You could use your phone or watch, but an egg timer is ideal because a phone is a distraction, even if I look at mine from across the room.

Here’s how the “Hard Boiling” method works…

If you’ve been avoiding or struggling to focus on a task at work, go get yourself an egg timer.

  1. Set your egg-timer on your desk in front of you, or near wherever you’re working.

  2. Set the dial to a reasonable amount of time to go, off.

  3. The sense of urgency created by the impending ring of the alarm ignites an adrenaline response similar to the way we feel when we wait until the last minute to start working on a job. Work as much as you can on the task until the timer runs out, with the intention of beating the timer. *suggest working in three-minute increments when you’re first starting out. If the time is set for too long, you may not feel the urgency.

  4. Repeat this step for multiple jobs or break up one huge task, into three-minute chunks. I was surprised to see that this works. This method creates strong bursts of productivity.

The “Hard Boiling” Method

*No one should use either egg timers or ANY other common appliance to treat ANY medically diagnosed illnesses. Consult a medical doctor before you try.